
Open Barn

Published: 4/30/2021

This Open Barn 3D model is free to download and use in interactive 3D scenes and VR/AR experiences with our Blocksmith Builder. Open Barn is built out of 3 3D shapes and can be fully edited with our Blocksmith Builder. Download Open Barn as a free 3D model file (glb) to use in Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Godot, Blender, and other 3D tools.

  • Faces: 996
  • Vertices: 1052
  • Cube (5)
  • Quarter Frame (4)
  • Half Cylinder (2)

Materials: 5

You can view Open Barn in VR and AR with the Blocksmith Viewer apps.


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By eliaswTeam
I'm Elias, a 3D game designer. Contact me through my creator page.

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