Moon Lander


Moon Lander

Updated 7/30/2024: exit zone crash landed detection for other scenes, too. (see more)

Originally published: 6/14/2022

Take remote control of a Moon Exploration Mission!

Note: this game receives periodic updates. On each update, the Scoreboard rankings will be cleared.
Link to invite friends, family and other creators:
Attribution: Credit to Blocksmith user "andy" for the alien 3D model.

Your job: Land the prototype lunar module successfully on the moon.
Link to invite friends, family and other creators:

Lander Controls:

  • Fly Up = Spacebar, Left Mouse Button
  • Forward = W
  • Backward = S
  • Left = A
  • Right = D
  • Look Around = Move Mouse

Ideal Landing Speed = -2 m/s

Mission Objectives:

  1. Land the Module at -9 m/s or less.
  2. Conserve as much fuel as possible!
  3. Find any extraterrestrial life if possible.

Score= Fuel Remaining + Landing Zone Bonus + ???

Original: Physics Demos

Based on: Moon Lander: Classic Edition


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