Tiger Habitat Quiz Game Challenge


Tiger Habitat Quiz Game Challenge

Published: 6/16/2020

Explore a tiger habitat in a zoo and answer three tiger-related trivia questions correctly to see a special surprise! Check out how to make your own tiger habitat or quiz game by watching the livestream below.

Watch the Tiger Habitat Challenge Youtube Livestream here: https://youtu.be/zh4h3Zm7s58

Tigers have been on our mind recently...

But instead of giving more attention to a certain tiger royalty figure, we wanted to bring attention to the tigers themselves! Also, you can see how easy it is to create a zoo-like setup in a virtual environment.

Tigers may be getting a lot of attention currently, but often there isn't much actual info about them behind the hype. We wanted to focus on the challenges tigers face, and also on their incredible abilities as animals! From that point, we decided to create a virtual tiger habitat with a multiple choice quiz game which, if all the questions are answered correctly, reveals the tigers hanging out in the habitat.

Creating the zoo-like 3D tiger habitat started with looking at pictures and videos of real zoos that have done an excellent job of blending the zoo viewing platforms with the animal habitats themselves. One that stood out in particular had the viewing platforms disguised as cave entrances, which inspired me to re-create the same setup in the Builder.


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