
Hanging Exit Sign

Published: 12/4/2019

This Hanging Exit Sign 3D model is free to download and use in interactive 3D scenes and VR/AR experiences with our Blocksmith Builder. Hanging Exit Sign is built out of 3 3D shapes and can be fully edited with our Blocksmith Builder. Download Hanging Exit Sign as a free 3D model file (glb) to use in Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Godot, Blender, and other 3D tools.

  • Faces: 350
  • Vertices: 288
  • Cube (2)
  • Text (1)
  • Smoothed Cube (1)

Materials: 2

You can view Hanging Exit Sign in VR and AR with the Blocksmith Viewer apps.


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    By grantTeam
    Grant is a teacher at heart - it's been the last few years that he has moved out of teaching and into management and ownership of STEM Forged. He has always loved playing games and not taking himself too seriously. He holds a degree from BSU in Multidisciplinary Studies that encompasses STEM fields as well as entrepreneurial leadership. He has three young children, an amazing wife, a dog, and a cat.

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    (published on geekolabs)