Illustrative Writing, with case studies of exemplary examples from famous authors
Generated for Grade 11
Lesson Plan Details
Grade Level: Grade 11
Language: English
Hours per Lesson: 1.0
Lessons: 6
I'm Grant, cofounder of STEM Forged. My favorite games are the Total War franchise.
More From This Author
Lesson 1: Introduction to Illustrative WritingLesson 2: Examining Charles Dickens' Descriptive StyleLesson 3: Mark Twain's Illustrative HumorLesson 4: Jane Austen's Depiction of Social ContextsLesson 5: Edgar Allan Poe's Atmospheric WritingLesson 6: Writing Workshop: Creating Your Own Illustrative Piece
Lesson Plan Info
6 Lessons, 6.0 hours total
Created 10/18/2024
Updated 10/18/2024