
Physics in the Builder

Physics can be changed and applied in the following areas of the Builder:

  • Scene: Gravity in meters/second
  • Material: Bounce and Friction
  • Physics Object: Mass, Drag, Etc.
  • Physics Events: Apply Force, Torque, Velocity, Disable Gravity, etc.

Three Rules

  1. Only Physics-enabled objects are impacted by Physics events and settings.

  2. Avoid applying physics to every object in a large scene; leads to slowdowns.

  3. In Multiplayer games, avoid having players apply physics to the same object, at the same time. Instead, they can apply physics at different times, or on different object .

Material Properties

Bounce: How much bounce an object will receive when colliding with this material.

Friction: Amount of resistance that objects which roll, slide, or move across this material will face.

Physics Settings

Mass: The mass of a object directly affects its collision with other objects. The larger the mass of an object, the more force it will apply when impacting other objects and vice versa.

Drag: The amount of resistance that this physics object will encounter when moving through the air. Eg. 0 = No air resistance, 10 = Moving through water.

Use Gravity: Use to exclude objects from gravity. We all float down here!

Continuous Detection: Prevents fast objects from missing collisions

Freeze X, Y, Z Position: Don't apply physics movement to x, y, and/or z axes

Freeze X, Y, Z Rotation: Don't apply physics rotation to x, y, and/or z axes

Disable Physics at Start: Use when planning to enable physics in the scene using events, but not right from the start

Physics Events

  • Disable Physics: Disables physics on the object in this scene

  • Enable Physics: Enables physics on the object in this scene

  • Disable Gravity: Removes the effects of gravity on this object

  • Enable Gravity: Applies the effects of gravity on this object

  • Apply Force: Pushes or pulls an object with a one-time force

  • Apply Relative Force: Pushes or pulls an object with a one-time force relative to its rotation

  • Apply Torque: Rotates an object with a one-time force

  • Apply Relative Torque: Rotates an object with a one-time force relative to its rotation

  • Apply Velocity: Multiples an object's current directional movement

  • Set Mass: Defines how the object collides with other objects

  • Set Drag: Defines how much resistance the object encounters when moving through the air

Other Factors

Hitting Physics Objects

You can hit, push, or move physics objects in a scene using an object in the Player's hand.

Throwing Physics Objects

Physics objects can be thrown if they are released by the player while moving or swinging them.

Physics in Multiplayer

Physics works in multiplayer games! But remember the condition to avoid having players apply physics to the same object, at the same time. Instead, they can apply physics at different times, or on different object.


The shape of an object determines how it will rest upon or collide with other objects. For example, a sphere will roll much easier than cube.