Lesson Plan Curation Tips

In order to improve the performance metrics of our generated content, here are some tips to assist in creating well-structured and effective lesson plans that can boost the star rating and the number of copies being made.

Detailed in the video below are tips on curating generated content. One of the most important things to look out for are AI hallucinations or instances of the AI communicating with itself. This looks something like this:

"Generate a lesson discussing how to..."
"Certainly! Here's how we could start a discussion about..."

These portions can simply be deleted as they are usually written pieces that assist with prompting and the generation of the rest of the content. With the rest of the content having been generated, there is no need for them.

When editing our generated content, we are also able to upload our own images or select from an existing library. Using the kebab menu on the right, we can select Change Thumbnail to choose a new cover image for our lessons or unit.

From this menu, we can choose to use already stored media, Pixabay, or to upload our own media. Pixabay is a copyright free image library that you can search for content for free.

To edit quizzes, find the quiz in the Agenda tab and use the kebab menu to select Edit Quiz

To add new questions to a quiz, we can use the Add button at the bottom of the quiz dialog box.

An important note for updating quizzes: The quiz games will only function with questions that are using the Radio Buttons format.