What is a Walkable surface?
Characters and objects with navigation components have the ability to "walk" across surfaces without using animations. They can navigate around obstacles, and can be instructed or programmed to follow Players or other objects.
Yet only objects with Walkable enabled can be moved across by navigable characters/objects.
Pro Tip: The larger and more complex a scene, the longer it will take the navigation mesh to bake (or be created) when Playing the Viewer.
Disabling Walkable
Walkable can be disabled to make scenes load faster and be more performance-friendly. Disable the Walkable setting on objects which are never intended to be walked upon by navigable characters or objects.
For example, if you have part of a level that is for decoration only, disable Walkable on all of those objects so they are not included in the navmesh bake.
Navigable Platforms
All scene platforms are walkable by default. That includes the Grid and Outdoor platforms, as well as the Indoor platforms like the Room or Dojo.
Walkable Limitations
Just as the Player cannot walk up at 90 degree surface or float through the air, navigable Characters and objects have limitations to their movement. The major constraints of navigation (or what is considered "walkable") are:
Surfaces 45 degrees or higher (includes vertical surfaces like walls) cannot be walked upon.
Gaps cannot be crossed without a bridge.
Only collideable objects that are in the scene when it starts are walkable.