The Pain Game: Platform Edition


The Pain Game: Platform Edition

Updated 11/14/2024 (see more)

Originally published: 9/3/2024

Full Game Out!

You are a parkour master who has suddenly accepted on a challenge. As you parkour your way to the top of this furious sun that we call Colossal Damage. This challenge is very hard and may stress you out. But with your willpower to keep on trying, I hope you finish, race others on the scoreboard, and take the lead. Now, this game is probably better than you think it is, so don't judge a book by its cover, and defeat this monster of a game. Who knows, you might like it! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good luck!

It's named the Pain Game for a reason :)

Difficulty Level: A millimeter from impossible!

Controls: WASD to move around | C to crouch (you won't be using this anytime)

Space to jump | Mouse to point different directions | Shift to sprint (you use this a lot)


  1. You always want to be using space bar and shift to get through this game.
  2. If you fall, don't worry. Everyone will be falling a LOT of times throughout this game.
  3. If you get really mad and have rage pumping through your blood, it means you should probably take a break (This game has sometimes made me mad)
  4. At the very end, when you think there is no possible way to win, look for a block that is almost invisible. After that, you determine what to do!
  5. Don't blame the gamer, blame the game. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Final tip: When you finish the game, don't forget to:

Hit That Like Button!!!

If you still don't know what you're getting yourself into, well then, my friend, you should go ahead and play it. I will say that this is a hard game, so don't say you haven't been warned, but if you want to live up to your name as parkour master, I suggest you dive right into it! And now there is an amazing ending!

The Full Game is now out! This means you can finish the game and be the first one to do it the fastest or fall down the least amount of times! This is the time to make yourself a legend by pushing through with the buckets of pain!

It is time for you to become THE parkour master!!!

And now, this game has the amazing music of Edvard Grieg:

Hall of the Mountain King!

When You Finish This Game, You Will Not Regret It a Bit!

In the Pain Game, a game of indescribable rage,

You try to get finished while fighting the war the game has wage,

A fight like no other, except in the rage games of doom,

You tend to feel anger rising up in your breast as you rage in fume,

At first you thought that this game was like any other,

But now you know that your falling down again after another,

And now your just stuck saying, "Oh, brother".

Every time you get up to a high position, the dopamine rushes through your brain,

But eventually, you notice hopelessness in your soul as you come crashing down like a train,

But I say unto you, if you keep going, you notice evidently you go higher and higher,

And then you take a very brief moment to tire,

So no matter what, when you push yourself into it, you will have finished,

Have the outcome of joy, and you will have punished

The game that is most raging,

The game that is definitely engaging,

And you have finally finished the war the game has been waging.


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